This gallery contains one photograph of each woman runner in the race selected from the main race gallery. The sequence of the photographs matches finishing sequence in the race.
Note, in most cases there are multiple photographs per woman runner in the main gallery
Pippa Maddams - Keswick - 41st overall, First woman in 2.31.20 - FT8E1397-e
Helen Fines - Calder Valley Fell Runners - 50th overall, 2nd woman in 2.38.11 - FT8E1450-e
Sarah Ridgeway - Eryri Harriers - 55th overall, 3rd woman in 2.40.37 - FT8E1478-e
Judith Jepson - Dark Peak Fell Runners - 59th overall 4th woman in 2.41.43 FT8E1499-e
Jackie Lee - Eryri - Fell in about 100m from here - FT8E1528-e
Karen Alexander - Sperrin Harriers - 68th overall 5th women in 2.49.30 - FT8E1553-e
Anna Bartlett - Shrewsbury Athletic Club - 73rd overall 7th woman in 2.51.09 - FT8E1571-e
Shileen O'Kane - Lagan Valley AC - 69th overall, 6th woman in 2.50.18 - FT8E1580-e
Aly Raw - Bingley - 76th overall 8th woman in 2.52.03 - FT8E1613-e
Lucy Harris - Pennine Fell Runners - 87th overall, 9th woman in 3.01.36 - FT8E1666-e
Ciara Largey - NIMRA - 92nd overall, 10th woman in 3.04.08 - FT8E1674-e
Julie Carter U/A - 95th overall, 11th woman in 3.08.12 - 3FT8E1711-e
Judy Howells - Wharfedale Harriers - 106th overall, 12th woman in 3.13.31 - FT8E1756-e
Ruth Metcalfe - Eryri Harriers - 107th , 13th woman in 3.14.00 FT8E1762-e
Kathleen Brierley - Todmorden Harriers - 108th, 14th woman in 3.15.02 - FT8E1767-e
Jackie Scarf - Calder Valley Fell Runners - 111th, 15th woman in 3.21.32 FT8E1773-e
Joanne Anderson - Carnethy - 112th, 16th in 3.21 38 - FT8E1780-e
Isaline Hughes - Burden Road Runners - 113th, 17th woman in 3.21.50 - FT8E1796-e
Jane Leonard - Todmorden Harriers - 115th , 18th woman in 3.22.29 - FT8E1804-e
Taryn McCoy - BARF - 117th, 19th woman in 3.25.12 - FT8E1811-e
Subcategory Detail: