1 Kauto Stone & D A Jacob - Winner (6, Light blue and dark blue chevrons)
2 First Lieutenant & B J Cooper - 2nd (3, maroon, white star, white cap)
3 Quito De La Roque & D N Russell - 3rd (7, maroon, white star, maroon cap)
4 Realt Dubh & P Carberry - 4th (8, royal blue, white cross sashes)
5 Joncol & R M Power - 5th (5, red, white cross)
6 Follow The Plan & T J Doyle - 6th (4, orange, dark blue braces)
7 Bob Lingo & M P Walsh 7th (1, Emerald Green and Orange hooped)
U Chigago Grey & D J Condon - U (2, Maroon, yellow star)
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