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Garamor Boy 4th, Jockey M W Bowes - CU2D1765-e

Garamor Boy 4th, Jockey M W Bowes - CU2D1765-e

The Glenbeighdancer , 5th Jockey M Darcy - CU2D1766-e

The Glenbeighdancer , 5th Jockey M Darcy - CU2D1766-e

Unico 4th, Jockey A P Thornton- CU2D1768-e

Unico 4th, Jockey A P Thornton- CU2D1768-e

Glens Ruby 9th, Jockey A E Lynch- CU2D1771-e

Glens Ruby 9th, Jockey A E Lynch- CU2D1771-e

Run and Dream 8th, Jockey D j Bates & Gettysburg 11th, Jockey E J O'Connell- CU2D1772-e

Run and Dream 8th, Jockey D j Bates & Gettysburg 11th, Jockey E J O'Connell- CU2D1772-e

Randoon Hill 6th, Jockey P Carberry - CU2D1775-e

Randoon Hill 6th, Jockey P Carberry - CU2D1775-e

Randoon Hill 6th, Jockey P Carberry- CU2D1776-e

Randoon Hill 6th, Jockey P Carberry- CU2D1776-e

Uncommitted - winner, Jockey Andrew J McNamara- CU2D1777-e

Uncommitted - winner, Jockey Andrew J McNamara- CU2D1777-e

Uncommitted - winner, Jockey Andrew J McNamara- CU2D1778-e

Uncommitted - winner, Jockey Andrew J McNamara- CU2D1778-e

McSwynes Bay 2nd, Jockey K M Donoghue - CU2D1779-e

McSwynes Bay 2nd, Jockey K M Donoghue - CU2D1779-e

Sher Fountin, 13th Jockey M J Ferris- CU2D1781-e

Sher Fountin, 13th Jockey M J Ferris- CU2D1781-e

Sher Fountin, 13th Jockey M J Ferris - CU2D1782-e

Sher Fountin, 13th Jockey M J Ferris - CU2D1782-e

Mr Anderson 10th, Jockey S G McDermott- CU2D1783-e

Mr Anderson 10th, Jockey S G McDermott- CU2D1783-e

Mr Anderson 10th, Jockey S G McDermott - CU2D1784-e

Mr Anderson 10th, Jockey S G McDermott - CU2D1784-e

Rossgavand 12th, Jockey T C Carroll - CU2D1785-e

Rossgavand 12th, Jockey T C  Carroll - CU2D1785-e

Rossgavand 12th, Jockey T C Carroll - CU2D1786-e

Rossgavand 12th, Jockey T C  Carroll - CU2D1786-e

Ameno 7th, Jockey S W Jackson- CU2D1787-e

Ameno 7th, Jockey S W Jackson- CU2D1787-e

Ameno 7th, Jockey S W Jackson - CU2D1788-e

Ameno 7th, Jockey S W Jackson - CU2D1788-e

Uncommitted (centre red diamond) the eventulal winner shares the lead - CU2D1792-e

Uncommitted (centre red diamond) the eventulal winner shares the lead - CU2D1792-e

Mr Anderson 10th, JOckey S G McDermott - FT8E3094-e

Mr Anderson 10th, JOckey S G McDermott - FT8E3094-e

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