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Heather Linsday , Killyleagh - FT8E2901-e

Heather Linsday , Killyleagh - FT8E2901-e

Moya Tracey & Nuala Dogerty, Belfast - FT8E2905-e2

Moya Tracey & Nuala Dogerty, Belfast - FT8E2905-e2

Moya Tracey & Nuala Dogerty, Belfast - FT8E2908-e2

Moya Tracey & Nuala Dogerty, Belfast  - FT8E2908-e2

At the top of the hill - CU2D1593-e

At the top of the hill - CU2D1593-e

At the top of the hill - CU2D1600-e2

At the top of the hill - CU2D1600-e2

Race over - CU2D1610-e2

Race over  - CU2D1610-e2

Happy punters - FT8E2939-e2

Happy punters - FT8E2939-e2

The parade rng - CU2D1621-e

The parade rng - CU2D1621-e

The parade ring - CU2D1623-e2

The parade ring - CU2D1623-e2

Studying form - CU2D1636-e

Studying form - CU2D1636-e

The riders enter - CU2D1638-e2

The riders enter - CU2D1638-e2

Deep conversation - CU2D1664-e2

Deep conversation - CU2D1664-e2

At the top of the hill - FT8E2950-e2

At the top of the hill - FT8E2950-e2

Winners - FT8E2968-e2

Winners - FT8E2968-e2

The parade ring - FT8E2972-e2

The parade ring - FT8E2972-e2

The betting ring - FT8E2975-e

The betting ring - FT8E2975-e

The betting ring - FT8E2976-e

The betting ring - FT8E2976-e

The betting ring - - FT8E2978-e2

The betting ring -  - FT8E2978-e2

The betting ring - - CU2D1682-e2

The betting ring -  - CU2D1682-e2

Downpatrick Race Course - CU2D1696-e2

Downpatrick Race Course - CU2D1696-e2

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This gallery will be available through September 12, 2033. Remind me again later